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Re: Topic Tuesday// MEN-tal Health // Tuesday 28th November 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

@Bon_courage wrote:

Q: How might some of the language and societal expectations that is used around men’s mental health impact someone reaching out for support?  


I feel there is a current societal effort to normalise and de stigmatise language around mental health and, in this case, particularly around Men's mental health, but we’re not quite there yet. There is still a lot to be done. 

IMHO, the language is still pretty antagonistic towards men at the moment. I still notice plenty of media segments that pose questions like: "Why don't men... [do what we want them to do]?", in tones that basically make out that there's some sort of fault with the mens' behavior. I struggle to notice so much gender bias towards the way women behave, in media coverage of mental health matters.

But perhaps I pay more attention to the male-oriented articles, being a man. Maybe the bias is within me.

Re: Topic Tuesday// MEN-tal Health // Tuesday 28th November 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

It can take several good experiences to counter one bad experience @Shaz51. The tricky thing is trying again after the bad one!

Re: Topic Tuesday// MEN-tal Health // Tuesday 28th November 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

@Shaz51 Thanks for posting. Sometimes help can come in different forms. Certain types of clinical settings can really push men away. Tick a box exercises and a certain type of language really can have the opposite effect. But then again joining a group of people with similar interests can have the unintended effect of allowing some difficult conversations to flow.

Re: Topic Tuesday// MEN-tal Health // Tuesday 28th November 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

Yes @Oaktree 

My husband reacts on my emotions and how I am feeling which makes it hard @Bon_courage 

He talks to me more and tells me things all the time 

Re: Topic Tuesday// MEN-tal Health // Tuesday 28th November 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT



Thanks for sharing with me your feelings. I think hubby feels that way too! If anything happened to me I think he would come with me. We really can’t live without the other one! I fear what will happen to me should something happen to him. 

It worries me that hubby is not open about his feelings. He says everything is fine right now and I believe him but what if he struggles again. Our mental health’s seem to be linked. When I go down so does he. At least I now know that. Hopefully I can get him support next time.



Re: Topic Tuesday// MEN-tal Health // Tuesday 28th November 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

@chibam valid point in my view too. Language can have impact and being mindful of its use and not sensationalise is certainly a responsibility shared by all.

Re: Topic Tuesday// MEN-tal Health // Tuesday 28th November 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

Very true @Oaktree 

If I have a bad day my husband goes way down hard 

Re: Topic Tuesday// MEN-tal Health // Tuesday 28th November 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

@Oaktree  You two sound very lucky, that your in this together. I can't imagine how mental health can ever be possible in an environment of loneliness; so, despite all your other woes, you two have got a huge advantage in that you've got one another. 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday// MEN-tal Health // Tuesday 28th November 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

Time for the next question of the night...


How might men be able to navigate the ever changing face of support? 



Re: Topic Tuesday// MEN-tal Health // Tuesday 28th November 2023 5:30-7PM AEDT

We are always together @amber22 , @Bon_courage , work , rest and play