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Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST


Yeah, the distinction between illness and identity is So important

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Q6: What are some of the key things that contribute to recovery?

The individual's own strength and resources coupled with programs that empower, strengthen, and support people facilitate the recovery process. I’ve seen this across various clients that have been provided the opportunity to produce artwork, complete courses, as well as other activities. Furthermore, we know that ‘good’ outcomes typically come from a whole-of-person approach and by providing sustainable housing, community, and other supports, we can support and enhance recovery.   

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Q6: What are some of the key things that contribute to recovery?

  • Helping people to get out of the mental health system. My mad comrade says: A life of total psychiatry will take away your soul. And that is true. If you become trapped in the psych system, you won’t get out of it easily. Your whole world will revolve around it and it will suck the life out of you.
  • A place to call home that is affordable and where you are supported medically and socially to stay.
  • Holistic focus; seeing yourself as more than a bunch of chemicals. Doctors can medicate the brain, but they have to talk to a mind. And that is the whole person who has hopes, dreams and aspirations that, if they are supported, may be achieved.
  • Creativity can help to give you hope, purpose and meaning – the pillars of recovery.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST



So many "Supports" for this

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST


Love this in particular: "Doctors can medicate the brain, but they have to talk to a mind."

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

yes creativity is a great thing i find singing and doing art very soothing and healing. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @Shaz51 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@Sandy1 wrote:
  • Holistic focus; seeing yourself as more than a bunch of chemicals. Doctors can medicate the brain, but they have to talk to a mind. And that is the whole person who has hopes, dreams and aspirations that, if they are supported, may be achieved.
  • Creativity can help to give you hope, purpose and meaning – the pillars of recovery.


These last two points in particular are great @Sandy1! Creativity is such a fantastic outlet that can be really carthatic & therapeutic. That holistic focus, the whole of person, is really important too! Recognising that you are more than just a diagnosis.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @Shaz51 Heart