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Re: Topic Tuesday // Emotional wellbeing for parents // 15 Nov. 7pm AEDT

One last question: are these forums public or private?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Emotional wellbeing for parents // 15 Nov. 7pm AEDT

Hi @Pocoyo

These forums are public - they are accessible for everyone. However, they are anonymous and we don't allow people to share identifiable information (full name, contact details, emails, place of employment etc).

We do not share your details that you've used to sign up with to anyone - so your email, for example, is not accessible to other members.

While anyone can view the posts here, they must become a member to post in threads.


I hope this helps!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Emotional wellbeing for parents // 15 Nov. 7pm AEDT

Hello @NikNik, xx

and stepmums like me

Re: Topic Tuesday // Emotional wellbeing for parents // 15 Nov. 7pm AEDT

Thank youHM.jpg

A massive thank you to all of you who got involved tonight. We have really appreciated your openness in sharing your story - we hope you got something out of tonight.

A big thank you to @PANDA & @Former-Member for their wisdom and addressing people's questions and concerns.

Don't forget - if you are a parent and want to talk to someone directly about your emotional wellbeing PANDA is a great organisations to contact:

Mon to Fri, 10am - 5pm AEST

1300 726 306

Be sure to check out their website which has a heap of great resources.

Finally, if you have a question that you didn't get to ask tonight, please feel free to start a new discussion within the Forums and post your question. You will get responses from other members who have been in similar situations and if you @mention  PANDA (ie: put an @ symbol before the username 'PANDA') they will get back to you.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Emotional wellbeing for parents // 15 Nov. 7pm AEDT

It has been so wonderful chatting with you all tonight, and hearing a little about the difficulties you have faced and the courage you have shown.

Posting on forums like these and sharing some of what you have been through is such a brave way to keep the conversation going, or getting it started. 

We know that talking and sharing is key to recovery, and we hope that the stories shared tonight tell anyone who is having a rough time that they really are not the only one. 

Help is available, so please reach out to us here at PANDA if you need to speak to someone or don't know where to start, by calling 1300 726 306.

Thank you again to all the contributors tonight, @Pocoyo@Shaz51@Appleblossom@Newmama@2angels and @MisguidedDreamr



Re: Topic Tuesday // Emotional wellbeing for parents // 15 Nov. 7pm AEDT

Thankyou @Pocoyo@Shaz51@Appleblossom@Newmama@2angels@MisguidedDreamr for sharing your stories and helping those who might be experiencing similar things. I suppose what stands out to me is that mental illness at any time is difficult but when it is combined with pregnancy and early parenthood the gap between expectation and reality can be great, impacting on relationship wtih partner, baby, self... and often even the recovery journey.

What we do know is that perinatal anxiety and depression is common, it does not discriminate, it has many faces (including the mask of coping) and the earlier help is sought the faster recovery (although recovery can be two steps forward, one step backSmiley Happy).

A final note is that if you are struggling please speak with somone: a trusted friend, family member, GP or your health nurse. Help is available.

PANDA National Helpline 1300 726 306 (10am - 5pm Monday to Friday, AEDT)

Re: Topic Tuesday // Emotional wellbeing for parents // 15 Nov. 7pm AEDT

@NikNik is there any way I can change my nickname? The one I have used can be linked back to me (sorry)

Re: Topic Tuesday // Emotional wellbeing for parents // 15 Nov. 7pm AEDT

Yep @Pocoyo
just email with a new username & I will change that right away!