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SANE Online Mental Health Meet-Up// Recovery, Skillsets for Greater Resilience // 11th March 7:00-8:30pm AEDT

Hi there forums community!


Our next SANE Support Online Mental Health Meet Up will be taking place next week, Thursday the 11th of March from 7:00pm-8:30pm AEDT.

We will be talking about... Recovery: Skillsets for Greater Resilience


Join us for an empowering discussion led by and for people with lived experience, as we chat about our own different paths to recovery, and the resilience skills we’ve developed along the way!



Register for this event
Provided by SANE Australia


This new online mental health support group is hosted by SANE's Peer Support Workers who you may have met in the forums - they have been trained to use their own experiences of mental health issues to help others. We also have counsellors in the background to make sure chats are as safe as possible for participants.


These meet ups will be held fortnightly, and you can also have your say on the topics and questions discussed too by putting forward your suggestions in the lead up to the sessions. Whether you have lived experience yourself, or you’re a friend or family member, these sessions are for anyone seeking support from other people who ‘get it’. 



How to get involved:

Register for the event:
To join in this live chat, you will need to register for an account with the live chat platform, Chatwee. 
Important note: the live chat platform is not linked to your forum account and a Chatwee account will need to be made. 

If you already have a Chatwee account from last time, you can use the same log in!


Reading along:

If you want to read along, you can watch the conversation unfold by joining as a guest.  


Frequently asked questions:

If you have a question, or have difficulties registering for Chatwee, check out our FAQs page here for all frequently asked questions (or see below)



Online Mental Health Meet-Up: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)