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Looking for peer reviewers

Hi everyone,

We find it critical to get our content peer reviewed to ensure the information on SANE is helpful.

Recently we created a series of 'Fact vs Myth' factsheets and we want to hear from you what you think of them. 

Fact vs myth: mental illness basics

Fact vs myth: treatment & recovery

Fact vs myth: mental illness & violence

Fact vs myth: specific disorders

We would like to know -

·         Is the information easy to read and understand?

·         Is there any language that is jarring?

·         Is there anything missing that you would like to know about?

·         Anything else that occurs to you.

You don't have to give us feedback on all of them - only the ones you feel comfortable with and you feel are relevant to you.

Any feedback is appreciated!!!


Re: Looking for peer reviewers

I just read through the fact sheets and they read just fine. 

Re: Looking for peer reviewers

Hi @NikNik


I am really interested in this - I will read the info in the links and comment later - I feel that right now isn't going to work - but definitely - I will refer to those items I feel I can give feedback on really soon


We really do need peer support review  - it is all over the forums but then - we need to be more specific


As a person who has had most of their suffering in the past I identify with what younger people are posting now - been there - a life time of all sorts of anguish - yes - and my biggest contribution is silent - but I am still here today - surviving my own life is my biggest contribution


I will get back to you on what I can't read atm - I feel it's time to do something else off line right now - but I will catch up



Re: Looking for peer reviewers

Hi @NikNik

I have read all the fact sheets as well as the the referenced studies.  The fact sheets present well with a measured and factual approach.

Congratulations to the SANE team for producing these in an easy to understand manner.

Re: Looking for peer reviewers

Thanks @Kurra !! You have gone above and beyond. I will feed this back to the content team 🙂

Re: Looking for peer reviewers

Re: Mental Illness basics

I like the way probablilities and the word "predisposition" are used.

The statement about creativity ... debunking romanticisation of very painful disorders is a good inclusion as is the statement about it being REAL and not due to laziness or poor spirituality..

Re: MH & Recovery

Hopeful stance re treatment and getting help is important.

Statement re snapping out of it and judgements rather than treatment is also needed. I hope some counsellors read it. That it is based in physiology and the body but choosing not to use the "genetic" word is good.  Genetics is such a new science we have to be careful about inaccurate and ignorant generalisations.

The Personalised Medicine approach is also needed.

Re: MH & Violence

I like no-nonsense headline distinguishing the word "psychotic" & "violence". and the truth that a lot of mental illness is more about being a victim than a perpetrator.

Re: Specific Disorders

I have probably said I am a little OCD ... as there was a huge impetus in our family to normalise MH issues.  My stepdaughter used the OCD tag a lot .. I am now aware that my use of the term in an offhand way could be hurtful & insulting to those reading the forum, who serious suffer with the disorder. Sorry, I will try and change my use of term.

Not applicable

Re: Looking for peer reviewers

Jus on the specific disorders - my experience and understanding of PTSD is that it is not necessarily from one traumatic event, but can result from ongoing exposure to violence and abuse, mainly in childhood but can be triggered in relationships later in life.

Re: Looking for peer reviewers

Such a great point @Former-Member !
Not applicable

Re: Looking for peer reviewers

I've only had a quick skim cause I'm tired, but I've never fully understood what a delusion is. I'm not sure if that definition can/should be expanded on, but it's something that has always confused me.

Re: Looking for peer reviewers

Hi @NikNik

I've looked at the fact sheets and they are great.   You are all doing a great job Sane Australia. 🙂