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Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

Hi all,

As you can all see the responsive enhancements to the forum have gone live today! Yay! If you didn't get a chance to read up on it, you can do so here


The changes are quite visual, you will be able to move around the forum a bit more intuitively and should feel a bit more clarity in where to go for what too. 


As with any change this can take a bit of time to get used to. If you come across any issues or have questions, post to myself and @s-jay here! 

135 REPLIES 135

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

Hi @Former-Member and @s-jay

There were a few glitches this morning when the update first went live but many of them seem to have been fixed up already 🙂

One that I've noticed that is still there is that the page numbers at the bottom of a thread don't work to jump between pages.

Also, I'm wondering whether there might be a way to see latest posts like there was before this update? It now looks like the "latest posts" section is for latest discussions started.

Thanks heaps for all the work that has gone into this 🙂

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

Hey @CheerBear! Thanks so much!

I just tested the numbers at the bottom of threads and it worked for me, can you let me know which thread it is that it's not working for you?

And I will check about the latest posts Q.


Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

I just checked the first couple of threads in social spaces and something's not right and none of them have worked for me @s-jay. I'm using mobile (android) if that might make a difference.

Thanks again 🙂

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

Hi again @CheerBear
Just checked with the team and that module was removed as in the research people found it confusing as it didn’t give any context as to what the conversation was about. If it something you guys end up really missing we can look at putting it back up.

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

Ah! very helpful @CheerBear that you are using android. thanks we will investigate!

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

Found the issue too @CheerBear! it's on all mobiles. we will look to fix asap

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

I had the same problem this morning @CheerBear@Former-Member@s-jay

haven’t tried it now 

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

Hi @Former-Member and @s-jay


I do like how the community guidelines and help options are now readily available from the forum pages.


One feature that I really miss was on the old mobile app where it showed how if and how many new posts had been added since an individual user last accessed a topic.

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

Just tried again on my post “not feeling good “ still csnt go from page to page @Former-Member@s-jay