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Join US tonight! // How Would You Like Yours? // Sunday 13th October, 7-9:00PM AEDT

PLEASE NOTE: New Daylight Saving Time

We are having our Sunday Hangout tonight Sunday 13th October at 7pm-9pm AEDT.

The topic will be:

How Would You Like Yours?

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 5.35.53ā€Æpm.png

Coffee, eggs, steak, tell us how you'd like yours!

Join us on this Live Sunday Hangout on the Peer Group Chat Chatwee Platform. It is an opportunity for you to chat in real time with other members. This space will be moderated by SANE Staff.

To join, you will need to register for an account with Chatwee.

Once you have signed up, follow this link to log in when the event starts at 7pm AEDT on Sunday 13th October 2024.

This is currently held in Australian Eastern Daylight Time hours:


WA: 4pm

NT: 5:30pm

SA: 6:30pm 

QLD: 6pm

NSW, ACT, VIC & TAS: 7pm 


@Mustang67 @ArraDreaming @TAB @Glisten @greenpea @Healandlove @Alonely @Captain24 @Meowmy @Sunnyside226 @Loner57 @Patches59 @ArraDreaming @Snowie @Captain24 @WildFlower1 @MessyGirl @KittyLove1984 @Rockdog @ButterflyWings @Alonely @Fluttershy1 @The-red-centaur @7cough9 @Glisten @Jacques @Healandlove @Squishy @Who-Knows @HopeDream @Spirit_Healer @bliffitygibbet @Shaz51 @Sophiavicky1224 @outlander @Alice10 @monket @MJG017 @Cleo2 @Shift83 @Mustang67 @Rockdog @GreyWolf7 @Cleo2 @Sunnyside226 @Cle0 @Louie333 


Tagging new members and members online:

@S27 @AussieRedLFC @A1 @2009 @Paige2024 @bleh @Jackmou @connex_trains1 @JethroBodine @Mo @Burty007 @Patches59 @defaultusername @Semly @Louie333 @Ainjoule 



Re: Join US tonight! // How Would You Like Yours? // Sunday 13th October, 7-9:00PM AEDT

šŸ‘ @tyme 

Maybe a bit later than 6pm like last week šŸ¤” 

Re: Join US tonight! // How Would You Like Yours? // Sunday 13th October, 7-9:00PM AEDT

NO worries @Shaz51 . Looking forward to seeing you.

Re: Join US tonight! // How Would You Like Yours? // Sunday 13th October, 7-9:00PM AEDT

@tyme  Can I still come if I never drink coffee?  I can pretend šŸ˜Š

Re: Join US tonight! // How Would You Like Yours? // Sunday 13th October, 7-9:00PM AEDT

Hey @MJG017 , It's not just coffee. It's everything šŸ™‚ So of course you can join.

Re: Join US tonight! // How Would You Like Yours? // Sunday 13th October, 7-9:00PM AEDT



I donā€™t drink tea or coffee for religious reasons