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Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Q1 - yes, conflicting diagnoses are frustrating. I was diagnosed with bipolar in 2008 after being diagnosed with social anxiety and depression in 1998. The depression and social anxiety diagnoses were helpful, the bipolar one, not.

The bipolar diagnosis came about due to a manic episode after an an antidepressant and anti psychotic interacted. I was hospitalised and stablised. Despite no previous "bipolar behaviour" and evidence in a book about bipolar that a medication interaction can create symptoms that MIMIC a manic episode, the doctors immediately branded me bipolar. At one session I was excitedly telling my psychiatrist about my new career path into disabilty and she said: "You're talking too fast. You might be heading towards another manic episode!" I'd always spoken fast (symptoms of my nervous personality, not bipolar perhaps?)
It made me so angry that she related everything to bipolar. Luckily for me, I found out at that session that I no longer was required to see her, so I never went back. To be honest, that session spurred me onto greater things. If her "help" wasn't going to help it was up to me. I read widely, searched on the internet and generated my own definition of happiness, built my confidence on what I saw of myself, quirky, not crazy how psychiatry saw me.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Q2. Hi, I think it's great that you share your feelings. We all have our down days and friends who see your posts would be supportive and concerned for you. Please don't be ashamed of your feelings. It's good to talk 💖

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Awesome. If you don't feel comfortable with yr doctor/diagnosis, go elsewhere. I was seeing a psychologist and I disliked his attitude, went in to find an amazing GP who was empathetic and actually listened to me. I experienced depression 3 times and with his support I beat that black dog ☺

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

I agree my @PeppiPatty

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Hi there,yes I get that alot. For me it's a deep underlying issue that I'm working on with my therapist. Being in utter despairity is depressing, however I started withheld A.C
E studio learn more about myself. As well as."the body keeps the score" talks about your.mind might be ok but the body remembers unresolved issues that are.yet to be explored
Hopeople.that helps.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

All that I can do is to endorse what "500bluebirds" has already written. Namely, document everything about one's condition wherever possible; do one's own research (not to be a disagreeable horse-trader, but more to avoid being a doormat); and ask questions.

A competent, decent health care professional is most unlikely to object to being asked questions. A professional who objects to being asked questions per se is probably not competent and decent. It's worth recalling that ultimately psychiatrists etc are humans, not gods, and with a full complement of truly human flaws, like everybody else.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Yep!! Had the exact same thing except I would cry when leaving the office! In the end he was a creep (what kind of therapist asks about sex position preferences??) after that last question, I realised that I was crying because deep down I realised they couldn't help me.
But your reason might be different, mauve do the self enquiry when you're crying ( in crying because ifeel... And wore or talk out anything that comes to mind) I found a psychotherapist, so much much better.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Hi there .. 

Overwhelmed with the incredible responses for my question - Q1. ALL of the advice has been helpful.

Thanks @Drac0 .. The only difference with the second Psychiatrist was reporting that the anti depressants were making me feel worse, not better. So then he asked very different questions. But yes, perhaps I also wasnt presenting in the same way with the first Dr.

Ive always had crazy highs and deep depressive lows, but thought they were just normal ups and downs. I have done SO much reading and research on mental illness in the past couple of years, and now on Bipolar. I know people with Bipolar II, and spent a lot of time with Bipolar I sufferers during group therapy as an inpatient, but am still finding it difficult to diagnose myself.
My main issue is anxiety, so really, in getting a second opinion it was for review of medication, to finally return to work  (which I’ve been anticipating to be any month now!) I didn’t expect a brand new diagnosis, suggestion of readmission to hospital to begin new treatment and putting such high dosage of new drugs with new side effects into my body (mood stabiliser + anti depressant) and recommendation of ANOTHER six months off work to stabilse. 
However, the support from this forum has been INCREDIBLE for a time when there is no one else around in similar situation to discuss this with. Together with the new medication I hope that recovery can potentially be not too much further away than I was hoping.
Much Love

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Hi @Happy_Valley


Thanks for opening up about this. The question is posted anonymously so it's good to hear our replies are being helpful. I'm glad you didn't suffer as long as me before getting a new diagnosis, if it's a correct one.


I'm Bipolar I so guess it was much easier for myself and others to see (on the rare occasions I let them) that my highs were way too high. But living alone I was able to mask it quiet well. There was no-one to see the 3 or 4 days of no sleep with everything going at 1000 miles an hour. The number of problems with the world I solved in those times.... *SIGH*


While I finally got the diagnosis I knew I needed I also got a few surprises too. Anxiety (ok, expected that one), SAD, PTSD & OCD. Getting all the right information to the right person made a HUGE difference. The OCD call was the big shocker, I never dreamed I was doing anything that would suggest that! I guess that it shows that things can be hard to judge when you're on the inside of it, like you thinking your highs were 'normal'.


It's a little sad that your plans that seemed so close have been put on hold while things change. But if the new diagnosis is correct it could well be worth the delay. I hope it goes well & you continue to visit & let us know how you're travelling.


Take care & stay safe.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

HI @drac0 interesting to hear of your full diagnosis 

Yes I planned to remain completely anonymous but the advice here was just too invaluable not to comment, I dont have anyone to really discuss this with

Absolutely...if its the correct diagnosis any delay is worthwhile 🙂

Thanks again