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Re: Ask Anything Monday!

love the where is the plug?? my husband asks where is..? my reply where you left it or where it always is then I hear but I cant see it - I have a look and it is there all the time it just didn't jump out of the cupboard when he looked

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

I'm just about to start on this same journey. Next week I start looking for work after 2 years.
I'm ready to re-enter the workforce and am looking forward to having a routine, earning money and using my brain again.
Make sure you focus on those things that you are looking forward to.
Practice your breathing and other techniques that you have learnt - to help reduce your anxiety.
Give yourself plenty of time on the first day to have a leisurely breakfast and to get ready.
Try a 5 or 10 minute relaxation meditation.
And just before you walk into the building on your first day, take a deep slow breath - and slowly release the breathe and any negative tensions. Shoulders back. Head high.
You are going to be great.

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

It's hard to anticipate what it's going to be like in a new job. As @utopia said stand tall and try to go with the flow. Don't be afraid to ask questions and it's quite OK to confirm the processes that you've been shown to do a task. You can say something like 'Just to make sure I've understood what you're saying I start with x and then do y and before completion I check x' You get the drift. It helps to cement what you've been taught in your head and also gives the person who has shown you to add extra information if needed.

Follow the lead of other people in the area and join them for morning tea, lunch etc. This will help you start to feel more comfortable. It's quite normal to feel a bit anxious and tense. We all want to make a good first impression but remind yourself that it is your first day and it's OK to feel a bit lost.

You'll be fine. Go on there willing to work hard and do your best and before long you will know what you're doing and feel a lot more confident.

I'll be thinking of you 🎶💕

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

I forgot to mention that there's only one stupid question and that's the one you don't ask! 🎶💕
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Re: Ask Anything Monday!

I like everyone's advice. I would probably add something to the effect of, don't think you're the only person there who struggles - with MH or other things. It's actually shocked me, over and over again, the extent to which people who seem so perfect are actually so not. Now I find that if I remember this when I meet them, it helps me see them honestly, which is good for them and good for me. Good luck - let us know how it goes Heart

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Re: Ask Anything Monday!

The first thing that comes to mind is GIVE YOURSELF TIME to settle in. The other thing is LOOK AFTER YOU: Keep stress levels low as possible, especially the first 3-4wks, this back to work transition is your priority. Avoid rushing, skipping meals, arguments and extra unnecessary dramas at home or socially etc. Do eat healthy, walk, relaxation exercises, even journalling to stop build up of stress. Create an achievable daily routine of essentials and stick to it. Eat properly, one healthy meal with vegies & proteins every day. It takes 3-4wks to develop new habits, push through this time. ON THE JOB - ask lots of questions, appear interested and keen, don't disclose your personal life much to anyone until you work out who's who. If you have a close friend to debrief each day with, each night, that will help too, even if its 10min. Start a work journal, journal everything, what you learned, who you met, mistakes & successes, whatcyou felt and how you can improve next time... Breathe deeply and pat yourself on the back at the end of the day, each day - toy did it!

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Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Oops, You did it!

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Dear @Former-Member

You write some great ideas. The ones I really like that feel like are very helpful is the work journal. So interesting for someone restarting work.


A close friend to debrief with. 

Pat yourself on the back. Remembering everyone makes mistakes......What @Former-Member writes comes into that diesn't it that so many people have their little issues ( he didnt actually say that but someting along those lines ) and to remember to hold you head up high......

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Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Thanks for the feedback @Peppi, with all our good ideas put together - settling back into the workforce is bound to be successful 🙂
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Re: Ask Anything Monday!


After working my whole career in customer relation I started to do well in interviews, got the jobs then external circumstances  intervened and sick leave  affected my position. That aside I kept on getting interviews. At one interview I was actually told that I interviewed very well but was over qualified. I did get 5 different jobs after the age of 50. Again sick leave due to depression.

I would say if you pass the interview, you are what they are looking for. Turn up early, smiling, keen and friendly. Dress appropriately for the type of job.

Depending on the type of job, if team work is involved build on getting to know others.

Put yourself in the employers shoes and think what would I want, expect.

Ilness aside if you really want this you will succeed. I know this because every time I have fallen back, I really do come back stronger.

So people with mental illness have an advantage, we know what it is like to be challenged. we know to expect the unexpected. We keep on going. We know how to keep on getting back up because we have learnt this the hard way, our way. So we can do this.

I'll get down off my soap box now. This is something I believe very strongly in because I started out shy, self conscious, self critical when I was young. I observed and I learnt every time I fell backwards i came back stronger and wiser than before.