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Topic Tuesday// NDIS, Disability & Mental Health// Tues 31st January 2023 5:30-7:00PM

Re: Topic Tuesday// NDIS, Disability & Mental Health// Tues 31st January 2023 5:30-7:00PM

@MyLife_MyWay so when your appeal went to the AAT, did you do a request for information from the NDIA about the decision process behind their knocking back your application? Have you re-applied, or only appealed? sometimes doing a new application works better (I've heard)

Is there anything in your case that would mean Legal Aid might be interested? like could it be a precedent that relates to lots of future cases?

Re: Topic Tuesday// NDIS, Disability & Mental Health// Tues 31st January 2023 5:30-7:00PM

Thank you coordinators of this forum, more research to be done!

Re: Topic Tuesday// NDIS, Disability & Mental Health// Tues 31st January 2023 5:30-7:00PM


I would suggest getting in touch with Disability Advocacy NSW ( and see what they can do 😄 

Re: Topic Tuesday// NDIS, Disability & Mental Health// Tues 31st January 2023 5:30-7:00PM

Alrighty that is a wrap for this months Topic Tuesday! 


Thank you so much to everyone who has joined us tonight! 


This has been such a great discussion. Feel free to share the link of the thread around the forums for others to be able to check out some of the questions and answers that were asked.  

Thank you again to @Former-Member for such a fantastic discussion, and such great answers. And thank you to the community for asking questions and sharing your own experiences and knowledge with us all tonight! 


Have a great night everyone and thank you again for being here tonight 😊  

Re: Topic Tuesday// NDIS, Disability & Mental Health// Tues 31st January 2023 5:30-7:00PM

Hi all, 

Thanks for the great discussion ! There were a few things that i have learnt tonight 😄 I appreciate the questions and commentary, hopefully this can help others in the future. 

Re: Topic Tuesday// NDIS, Disability & Mental Health// Tues 31st January 2023 5:30-7:00PM

@Former-Member wrote:

heya @chibam, hmm I can understand why some people might not want to use government funding, and thank you for sharing that about yourself. 


Using the NDIS or any form of government support is a right that we all have. I've had periods of my life where I was totally dependent on it! I'm so grateful that it was available to me then. And a lot of us are here to learn how we can actually utilise the NDIS for it's purpose - to help even the playing field for those of us who need some extra support. 


As I say, @Former-Member , it's difficult to see the point in chasing govt. funding if you can't find anything meaningful to spend it on. If I had a use for it, I would probably chase it, depending on how much I expected the overall cost to be.


It's just hard, you know, when you haven't been very useful to society, and the rest of the world isn't very shy about letting you know what a burden/disappointment you are to them. I just got another sting of that this afternoon. It never gets any easier.

Re: Topic Tuesday// NDIS, Disability & Mental Health// Tues 31st January 2023 5:30-7:00PM

@greenspace  Yes I did the internal review. Legal Aid are full and not waitlisting. Literally no one right now is! I am awaiting a new (4th) date for my conference and hoping to get representation in time this time around.
So, are you saying reapplying is better than going through the tribunal and contesting the decision? If so, what is the success rate of doing it that way vs going through the AAT?

Re: Topic Tuesday// NDIS, Disability & Mental Health// Tues 31st January 2023 5:30-7:00PM

@Former-Member  sorry, but again, I am in VIC and again, been there done that with 30-50 different advocacy and legal organisations!

Re: Topic Tuesday// NDIS, Disability & Mental Health// Tues 31st January 2023 5:30-7:00PM

Just a heads up: we are about to lock the thread - so feel free to continue this discussion on the forums! Thank you so much for joining us! 🙂 

Re: Topic Tuesday// NDIS, Disability & Mental Health// Tues 31st January 2023 5:30-7:00PM

thanks @Former-Member and @amber22 and everyone who took part.

the Sane forums are great, specially these Topic Tuesdays. I like that we can search the forums for discussion topics that we're interested in

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