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Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

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This Topic Tuesday we’ll be discussing the huge role that friends, family and other people in the community play in supporting someone after a suicide attempt. Dr Sarah Wayland, a researcher and mental health social worker, will talk about some of the challenges in supporting others through a suicidal crisis. What has been your experience and did you get the support YOU needed to help your loved one?

This discussion aligns with research being conducted by SANE and the University of New England looking at the impact of supporting someone who has attempted suicide. If you want to participate in the research, are over 18 and have supported a person who has attempted suicide in the last ten years, you can fill in the survey.  Click here or paste into your browser.

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Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Welcome everyone to tonight's Topic Tuesday.  We are so pleased to have Dr Sarah Wayland with us tonight.  She is a key Researcher from the University of New England who is working with SANE to better understand the impact of supporting someone after a suicide attempt.

Welcome@CLoveday @Collins30 @Former-Member @Former-Member @Amora @Carmenbrady @Determined @Former-Member @Braders@MsMatilda and @Shaz51

When a person attempts suicide, those around them might believe that the person is the only one who is impacted.  But as the days, months and even years roll by, the event can also impact those who provide care on an ongoing basis. 

As part of tonight's discussion, we're hoping to hear from those with experience as a carer of a person who has attempted suicide.  But, as always, we welcome all members with questions or comments.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Hi @Former-Member & Dr Wayland

I care for my husband who attempted nearly 2 years ago,

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Welcome @UNE (Sarah).  It's great to have you with us tonight.  We know from other studies, and of course the experiences of our members, that caring can be complex and challenging at times. 

What is the University of New England and SANE hoping to find out from this study?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Welcome @Former-Member

What can you tell us about how this has affected you?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Thanks Suzanne. It's great to be here tonight. Our joint project with SANE is trying to uncover a few issues. We are interested in exploring the physical, emotional, psychological and even financial impact on carers, who care for a person who suicide attempts, so that we might improve our policies and practises to support them. I would be keen to understand what peoples experiences here have been in terms of the the expected and unexpected impacts?


Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Hi @suzanne , @UNE

I care for my husband who attempted August 2015 --  2 years ago,

Thank you @Former-Member 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Hi @Shaz51, I'm glad you dropped by.  Are you able to share some of the impact with us?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Hi Shaz. Thanks for saying hi. I hope there is space for you to speak about your carer experience here. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Hi Darcy - thanks so much for joining us. Ive posted a question about what we are aiming to find out about the study - it would be interesting to hear any reflections you might have. Sarah.