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Re: hopeless

Hope things get better for you @D1ng0 . Hopefully today was more bearable?

Senior Contributor

Re: hopeless

Morning @tyme, thank you for asking. Yesterday was pretty hard, but I've forced myself to exercise this morning, so the endorphins are already doing their thing. And I'm not in too much pain... It's a win, so far. I hope you're doing well, too.

Re: hopeless

I'm glad you were able to do a bit of exercise today @D1ng0 . Hope you feel better after it.


My day was pretty good. I relaxed in bed until just before 10am. I was awake by 6 but just wanted a lazy morning 🙂


Hope tomorrow gets better for you!

Re: hopeless

 Hey @D1ng0 


How did you go over the weekend at the event? I know things like that send me into a bit of spiral. It's great that you are trying despite the pain. 


Nobody celebrated my sobriety as well, if anything I lost most of my friends over it. I was no longer the fun friend. It also made it hard for me to spend time with my family as they are all big drinkers. My dad's solution to my depression was that maybe I needed to have a drink.. so there was no support. Sobriety is a lonely world but I have made new friends through doing yoga and joining a drumming group. None of them are drinkers and its great to have found some sober hobbies. I felt too much time at home alone wasn't good for my mental health. I have to force myself to go, but I never regret it when I do. It gets me out of my head for a while anyway. 


Any plans this weekend? I am pushing myself to go for a walk down the beach tomorrow. I know I need to get out and get moving again. I have been a bit reclusive lately and I know I will do me good. 


I hope you are going ok and you have a happy Friday ahead. 🙂

Senior Contributor

Re: hopeless

Hey @MayaBird07, thanks for asking 😊

I did end up in a lot of pain, but it's settled down again now. It feels like a bit of a tightrope act to manage being in pain and socialising, but I'm trying, at least.

Thanks for talking about your experiences. I'm sorry you lost so many people, and genuine congratulations on being sober despite them.

I empathise with people reacting badly. One of my parents is a bit like your dad, it sounds like. Very hard for me to be around someone like that.

I'm glad you have sober hobbies. I really wish those sorts of activities were more accessible for me. There are so many things I look at and think, "that would be great for my mental health", but then my physical condition gets in the way... and triggering more pain worsens my mental health. I hate having multiple things to juggle. 😅

I hope you enjoy your beach walk 😊

I'm actually taking it easy this weekend, because I have a very big week coming up. I'm learning to be more deliberate about when I rest, and why. It's a work in progress, but it's happening.

Thanks again for asking after me, and I hope you're doing okay.