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Something’s not right

My Mosaic

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

When do you leave @Snowie ? Are your kids excited about having the house to themselves? D and I always like it when my mum goes to see my brother. 

How do you feel about your mum staying home? She’s ok to care for herself fully still? 
it’s good that she’s ok with looking at homes. 

I will have to make myself go to my psych appointment. Haven’t been since before we left. Just the thought of getting back into it is hard. And feeling like I’m being lectured about not going. Oh well. 

I doubt the art group leader will plan anything. She never really did before. I feel bad taking my own stuff in to do while everyone else sits and colours. But I find colouring in so boring. 
I don’t want to come up with ideas every week cause it’s not my job. And there is no budget for supplies. And what I would consider an ‘easy’ activity the other clients still struggle with. 

I was up sick overnight as predicted. A couple of times actually. And when I’m sick, plus with my meds… I spent time laying on the bathroom floor passed out. Feeling some better now but spending the day in bed. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @outlander  thanks for thinking of me and stopping by. How are you doing hon?

Re: My Mosaic

We leave next Thursday @Bow Still a lot to do between now and then.

I'm not sure if they are excited. They are not the type to invite friends around or do anything silly. S will have school everyday. He wouldn't skip school either.


Hoping mum is ok. She can still look after herself in regards to showering, dressing that sort of thing. Her meals are delivered. D is fine to check on her and take her anywhere she needs. Just haven't made any appointments for her whilst we are away.

Hopefully the psych appointment goes ok hon. Maybe just tell her that you need to get back into it slowly. Avoid anything that may trigger you for now.
I don't blame you for taking your own things to art group. I would be bored if I just sat and coloured too. You are totally right also, it's not your job to run the group. That is their job.

Last night sounds rough hon. I'm sorry to hear you were sick. You must be really tired today. A day in bed sounds like a good idea.

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow omgomgomgomgomgomg KITTENSSSSS they're so cuuuute!! 😻


Love the little murder mittens on the voidling in that last pic hehehe


How you going today hun? And how bout you two dear @Snowie @outlander ?

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Jynx hope you are having a good day.


Day started of ok her but has gone downhill fast. Took my mum for a tour of a nursing home. Lets just say it went bad. Trying to deal with the aftermath. Have another tour booked in for tomorrow. Don't think that will go much better.


Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Oh nooooo @Snowie I can only imagine, lots of loud and unpleasant words I've no doubt. You got some time to yourself this arvo? And another tour tomorrow oh my stars 😵

Re: My Mosaic

Just sitting down now @Jynx with a cuppa for some 'me' time before I have to cook tea.

She was shocked at how much money it costs and how much they take of her pension. I don't know if she expected to just go and live there.

Of course it was a private home, but I'm not putting her in the public home here. It is terrible.


Got the official report from the specialist too today. Just goggling all the big/medical words he uses!!



Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Been curled up in bed all day today @Jynx  sick overnight and still feeling crummy. Tried to nap a couple of times but couldn’t. Watching tv and scrolling. 

missed you over the weekend you ok? 

@Snowie  sorry your day went to shit 

Re: My Mosaic

Thats no good @Bow hoping some rest would help. Do you think you need to go to the gp?


Should have expected mums response.

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Snowie oh boy, guessing it's gonna be a whole lotta 'That's too expensive' and stuff, like it's always gonna be too x or too y, yikes. And having to get yourself a smidge of a medical degree to interpret hey? lol bit like that ay. 


Well if you need to vent, heck, even have a lil scream here tomorrow after day 2 of it all, I'll be here! Early start for you all? Anything planned for after, to wind down mayhap? 😅


@Bow aww missed you all too!! I have been getting really gnarly period cramps lately, like they keep getting worse and worse, and yeah just didn't sleep Friday then Saturday was basically unable to get off the couch all day, just had to lie there nursing my hot water bottle!! So I could barely look at a screen let alone be present and focused!! Plus, I didn't think it would be very nice to bring all my cranky-pants energy to the community lol. Ahh well, the curse of the uterus must be carried whether I like it or not! 


Crummy scroll kinda day hey? Anything good on tv? 

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