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Re: Having a hard time

@Fluttershy1  Good to hear from you Candydipper1. Wishing you well my friend. May life be kind to you. Love peaxxx

Re: Having a hard time

@greenpea - hoping it gets abit better then it is atm. 

Re: Having a hard time

Hi @jem80 @Snowie @Zoe7 @Hamso @Eve7 @outlander @Myboy @Judi9877 @Shaz51 @frog @BPDSurvivor @Lee82 @Emelia8 @Lilly6 @greenpea @NatureLover @Dizzyizzy @girasole    

@Lilly6 @Snowie - hope you are all well.


Things have been really tough lately I have been keeping to myself because I feel like I can't open up to anyone at the moment. I'm feeling really lost and unsure. I'm feeling numb. Family things are just a mess at the moment, I just want everything to be okay. 

I'll be lurking around today.

Take care 🐣

Re: Having a hard time

Hi @Fluttershy1 

Sorry things are not going great at the moment. 

Please remember we are here for you if you need to chat or just sit.


Lots of love and hugs hon 💕💕💕

Re: Having a hard time

@Snowie - it's so hard at the moment, I just wanna sit here and chat with you if that's okay? 🥺

Re: Having a hard time

Happy to sit here and chat with you @Fluttershy1 

Have you done much today?

Re: Having a hard time

@Snowie - haven't done much, got abdo pain and am just feeling flat

Re: Having a hard time

Thats no good @Fluttershy1 

Do you know why you have got the pain?

Went out for brunch with H's family. It was ok, nice food, but too many people around 🤔 They squashed as in like sardines and I didn't like that.

Re: Having a hard time

@Snowie - don't know why I have the pain 🤷🏼‍♀️
That would of been nice, but I don't like the idea of being squished together!!! 

feeling down

Re: Having a hard time

Hope the pain isn't too bad hon, can you take something for it or perhaps a hot water bottle.

Sorry you are feeling down @Fluttershy1 

Is there anything you would like to talk about?

Have you got any plans for tomorrow?