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Re: Good Morning!

Oh dear @TAB language barriers are a huge imposition imposed on consumers. Out of all the services where communication is so critical inproviding the basics for consumers / clients. I can't handle it anymore. Dad's nurses in aged care are the same, they just don't know where you're coming from. When it doesn't count (like with Telstra or something) I actually politely disconnect and ring back 'til I find someone better. Don't think it's fair that the unwell, the sick, elderly and already struggling souls have this barrier to work with as well. Don't see it happening in high profile positions anywhere else. Why can't we train our own. Oh well. WHAT CHOICE DO WE HAVE? (decision makers know this). Whatchya this space for the do-gooders. I'm not scinical, how you spell it lol Ha, hope your headache has gone and the medical goes well. Is it for a job? Hope that goes well too. Bless ya Tab 🌿

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah well was appt w particular DR and were both on speaker doesn't help I have to as ph broken
Cynical? 😸 take it easy @Former-Member

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning everyone have a great day 💜

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Appleblossom and wish
you a happy weekend. Best wishes. Bimby2.

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning to you @Judi9877 and may
your weekend go well. Best wishes. Bimby2.
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Re: Good Morning!

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Have a good weekend 💙🌿

Re: Good Morning!

Good Morning @Former-Member @Bimby2 @Ant7 @Appleblossom @Judi9877 @Former-Member @Maggie @BlueBells @MDT 

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Re: Good Morning!

Hi @TAB, what are you up to today?

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member hey sweetie,have a good day

Re: Good Morning!

not much @Former-Member  still waking up,backs playing up, hopefully it goes away soon

What are you up to?