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Re: Good Morning!

@Meowmy  😄 cleaning almost done just a few things to do the day before and flowers to buy for living room. x fingers the real; estate agent will be happy. Salad for dinner as son2 keeps going down the road for treats :o. Must walk this week to make up for all the treats ....  hand is shaking .... keeping an eye on it. It comes and goes will probably have to see neurologist damn it :(. Good on you working towards getting extra pay and to take your friend out is a really kind thing to do. I am sure she will be super appreciative of your gesture. Spring onion pancakes sound delicious

Re: Good Morning!

@Meowmy  😄 cleaning almost done just a few things to do the day before and flowers to buy for living room. x fingers the real; estate agent will be happy. Salad for dinner as son2 keeps going down the road for treats :o. Must walk this week to make up for all the treats ....  hand is shaking .... keeping an eye on it. It comes and goes will probably have to see neurologist dam it :(. Good on you working towards getting extra pay and to take your friend out is a really kind thing to do. I am sure she will be super appreciative of your gesture. Spring onion pancakes sound delicious

Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea How are you going walking by yourself in the mornings? Good job cleaning nearly done. Salad sounds super healthy for dinner. Son2 is sweet. He goes for treats and get you treats. Neurologist probably is just formality. To make sure that is. Hope it won’t be too stressful for you. When I get super anxious, my blood pressure go extremely high, but my doctor not too concerned with it. When I am calm, blood pressure is fine, Hope it will be a great early morning walk for you tomorrow.

Re: Good Morning!

@Meowmy  Thank you Meowmy :D.  I miss my neighbour terribly and another 4 weeks before she can walk safely and she has her terminally ill daughter at her place so there are comings and goings from family every day. It is hard for neighour :(. I know she misses her walking too hopefully when her arm is mended she will be able to come :). 

Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea That sounds good. Hard for her, daughter so ill. Walking would be good for her for mood as well. Tomorrow I am working early until three pm. Hope to go a bit of walk and coffee after. So good to talk to you and thanks for care and support. You really are a sweetie.

Re: Good Morning!

Hey sweet pea @greenpea  that is a huge achievement so very well done and massive hugs to you!

 I knew you’d understand the paranoia, it’s good to know someone out there knows what it’s like. 😃

Re: Good Morning!

å@MDT hello, how are you going today? Lovely day here. Hope you might get some reading done in the sun.

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @greenpea , 

Do u get up so early by choice or thats just when u wake up? 

I know what u mean about being tired all the time, i am too. I think its the meds, at least in part, and that my sleep is not grt.

Yes the burning symptoms suck. Hav had them before under circumstances that make me think its ingredients in meds, which makes things hard bcoz i cant not take the meds but they r making certain things worse. Anyway, iv got a week til i see pdoc next so might try another reduction of short term med btwn now and then and see what hapns. Not looking forward to it bcoz the 1st reduction has bn pretty bad. Just want off this stuff but rly not sure that theyv got me on something that is going to do the trick without it. Anyway, time will tell. Do u take any specific meds for sleep, or do u not need them, or do  other meds u take assist with that anyway? Hope u dont mind me asking.

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @MDT , how r u today?

Re: Good Morning!

@Meowmy  Good luck with work tomorrow. I hope they really appreciate you and the work that you do :)Heartxxx