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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I was vaguely thinking about getting trainset from toyworld @Zoe7 lol um .. just all steam trains and diesel locos like 200 each even in HO scale lol so yeah nah..

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Trains are seriously expensive @TAB The little one I got was $11 on special. It is all plastic of course but cute nonetheless.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

cool @Zoe7 we used to go to friends of familes ' place xmas day (s) used to run outside to see them going past .. used to think they were 930 class,turns out 933 and 44 class NSW not dissimilar  and ALCO means American Locomotive Company who knew ,, Thanks Google lol Cat Happy

Not applicable

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Time for me to get some shut eye, lovely chatting with you this evening ladies and gents.

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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Yes Broccoli does look like little trees @Zoe7 Edible ones.

I think of them like that too....


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I had a really cool train set when I was young @TAB It was originally my uncle's but he gave it to me - I loved that train set idea what ever happened to it.


Goodnight @Former-Member Peace and love to you - hope tomorrow is an awesome day for you. 🎄😁


My Christmas tree isn't uch bigger than a piece of broccoli @Adge LOL but it will fo the trick.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

that's a pity @Zoe7  re train. But nice of your uncle Cat Happy

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

It was a really nice train set too @TAB They made them to last then. 


I better head off myself otherwise Santa won't come hahaha (or hohoho).


Goodnight all here ...hope tomorrow has some light in it and no matter what you are doing it is a good day for you. 


Merry Christmas all 🎄💚

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Friend in primary schools father had huge setup got to play wth couple times @Zoe7
Also bugged mother so bad she got me train set in like grade 5 she copped so much from father over it . It was $5 .. ok thats at least $50 these days depending how you look it it

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Merry Christmas @Zoe7