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Re: Coping Box

I keep a list of people that I can talk to.

When I'm feeling down, I feel like I don't want to talk to anyone, but most of the time when I force myself, I do feel somewhat better, even if it's just during the conversation. It can be a good distraction at the very least, but can also be helpful.

It's a very specific list of people  - people I can trust, who don't judge, who will just listen or won't ask questions if I don't want them to.

I also have Lifeline on that list.

I find having the list is helpful when I'm not feeling great - it reminds me I have options and that people care.




Re: Coping Box

With Mental Health Week approaching I thought it'd be good to unearth this thread, and add in some of my new coping methods.
I like to keep my hands busy, and I find I *need* to keep my hands busy when I have SH or SI urges.
I have started making braided thread bracelets. I like doing Fishtail braids, simple Friendship braids (dunno what they're called, the flat knotted ones). Last night I discovered Kumihimo. It's a round rope-like braid.

Does anyone have any other ideas for things to add to our Coping Box?

Re: Coping Box

Hi, newbie on the forum and am struggling today. I have found a strong life line through craft, art and making things!

I have recently discovered the joy of greeting card making and am working on a new line based on cute characterisations of Mandalla, Ghandi, Dalai Lama, & Buddha.



Not applicable

Re: Coping Box

Hi @Abiel!


Welcome to the forums, and what a lovely thread to place your first post! They sound like some very artistic and relaxing life lines. I, myself, like those adult colouring in books that seem to be everywhere now Smiley LOL


I hope you find the forums helpful and supportive!



Re: Coping Box

Thank you. It is wonderful to see all those new adult colouring books out. I volunteer at an aged care facility running art each Thursday but unfortunately those books are far too intricate for my does motivate me to design some myself that are more appropriate for their skills. 🙂

If you like those, you may like to take a look at Zentangle. It is similar designs but you can also make up some for yourself without paying for books. Zentangle has been described as doodling with purpose and there are some amazing patterns out there.

I look forward to getting to know ppl on the forum. 🙂

Re: Coping Box

Pleased to meet you @Abiel
That sounds amazing, I am no good at drawing. I wish I could though.
At some point I'd love if you share some pics of your work on here.
@Former-Member I have one of those colouring books, but I don't have the patience to sit there and colour in... Yet I've been working on this bracelet for over an hour now. So I suppose I do have patience after all 😂

Re: Coping Box

@Crazy_Bug_Lady the username! Here is one I just finished this morning 🙂



Re: Coping Box

@Abiel I found some mandalas on a free web page a while back. They were very and largeish geometric ones, like a page of hexagons divided into triangles. Would that sort of thing be easier for your group??
Or you could even use your artistic skills to draw some artwork for them??

Re: Coping Box

That's beautiful @Abiel !!
I wish I could draw...
My username is because I have invertebrates (bugs) as pets. It started as a bit of joke, that was 6 years ago... I now have an entire bookshelf of tanks related to my unusual pets.

Re: Coping Box

@Crazy_Bug_Lady Yes thanks, I milk google search each week looking for more ideas and do find some good ones and plenty of inspiration to design ones. i am totally in love with google and pinterest! (sad but true)

Content/trigger warning
Smiley Frustrated

I've been doing it now for about 10 months and think i have pretty much covered every subject i can think of!!! fortunately a lot of them have bad memories so if i get really stuck i just dig up some old sheets lol.

It is so totally rewarding for me and my group love it! It's great to see some that don't usually participate do some colouring or painting Smiley Very Happy