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Re: not feeling good

Hi @BlueBay 


I hope you are feeling better today - it does take time to get over a stressful series of events as you have had lately - indeed - as I have had lately - and I am still feeling tired


Though the weather is warmer and I do more in warm weather than in cold weather - still I am feeling it right now


Starting a small puzzle is good - and also - having extra work hours before Christmas means you can use the money for gifts - I had this happen one year - I didn't have money for gifts but I got a job for a few hours one week would you believe - tasting chocolate for market research - and so everyone got presents - I even got one for myself


So yes - worry doesn't change much - concern can help us find a solution - make plans etc - but it sounds as if you had a good cry or something and you feel better - that's the way to go


I hope your day is the best it can be



Re: not feeling good

@Owlunar @MDT @Maggie @eth @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Gazza75  others following 

I've had a bad day. 
I went to the exercise class and I broke down after the education part. It was run by my dietitian. I think he knew I wasn't good. After the class he asked if I was going to the exercise class and I said no.  He suggested I go fir a few minutes. As I got In there the guy who runs the group asked how I was.  I told him not good and thst I was going hime. Not staying. He asked for a chst in private. I broke down telling him I'm all the negative words you can think of. I was broken. He listened and said he is here fir me. After 15 mins I decided I was going hime. He quickly spoke to my psychologist and she saw me fir 10 mins. She suggested I go home and stay active if I can. All I wanted to do was go home and be left alone. 
I'm home outside drinking a coffee. The sun is nice and warm. 
I feel like I'm never going to get better. I'm such a failure. 

Re: not feeling good

You’re far from a failure @BlueBay. Recovery is a long hard and lonely journey.

It sounds like you had some positive support today, from people who care very much about you.

A sit in the sun with coffee is a good place to be. Take care where you can. ❤️💚💛

Re: not feeling good

hey @BlueBay

Remember how I was going through a tough time a few months ago before I had a job?

the point is we can get past it in time. Give yourself credit for actually trying as well. Far better to be doing something and it not working out than nothing at all hey?

It may pay good divedends to give yourself some slack.

You also have a good network of supports so that counts too.

Either way we are all here for you my awesome friend

Re: not feeling good

Thanks @Maggie @MDT 

I just feel so damn deflated depressed and like I couldn't care less about anything anymore 

Re: not feeling good

Yeah I am a bit like this too @BlueBay

Re: not feeling good

Hey @MDT  I'm sorry you're feeling like that too 😢

is it this time of year. Maybe?? 
I know I have to buy presents and food for Xmas day but don't have spare money to do it. So I bought a few things for little A - a little pool, a book and clothes.  But. Need to buy fir my boys too. Might give them a voucher. It's too hard at their age. I think you're a similar age??

I'm just tired of all the crap. I'm tired of everything right now. 
I think running away would be good. 
idk I get so confused. 
take care my friend 

Re: not feeling good

You're doing so well @BlueBay. Ups and downs, it's all part of this fun MH journey. Be kind to yourself friend x

Re: not feeling good

I don't feel I'm doing well @Molliex 

@I feel like my mood has gone down very very fast 

I don't care about anything atm 

couldn't care less 


Re: not feeling good

Usually my grandparents send me a card with cash @BlueBay

It's the best I find. Can be used on anything