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Re: A long rave

[Waves cheerily]

Hi @Shaz51... lovely to hear your "yoo-hooo"... Smiley Happy

Much love and many hugs...

Re: A long rave

Hi @Exoplanet 😊 So good to see you 🦆

Re: A long rave

Hello @Silenus, @Mazarita, @CheerBear, @Exoplanet, @greenpea

home for lunch and a coffee and then off again Smiley Very HappyHeart

Re: A long rave

@Shaz51 Hope you are having a great day 🙂 dont exhaust youself xxx

Re: A long rave

hey @Shaz51 I hope you enjoy your day today

Re: A long rave

you too @CheerBear !!

Re: A long rave

Hiya @Shaz51 😊 Hope your day is going along well. Yours also @greenpea

Thanks @MDT. It's been a busy-ish few hours but I'm having a cuppa in the sunshine at the moment and enjoying some (relative) peace. Hope you're going OK today too.

@Mazarita one cool thing about email issues is that I get email reminders of morning chats we have right throughout the day and into the night haha 😁

Re: A long rave

@CheerBear Hi CheerBear it is going great thanks. Finally got some sunny weather to dry all my wet clothes :). Hope your day is also going well xxx:)

Re: A long rave

Hi @Exoplanet 👋

Re: A long rave

Hi everyone. I've just woken up at about 4pm after sleeping most of the day. Still groggy in the leadup to watching Star Trek at 5pm, but at least I'm dressed (slept in my clothes today). Smiley Tongue

@greenpea, on another thread you said I was Bipolar 2. Not that it matters that much but the diagnosis here is Bipolar 1. I used to think I was Bipolar 2 but that was just wishful thinking at the time! Smiley Tongue

@MDT, nice to see you in this thread. Hope your day has been okay. Smiley Happy

@CheerBear, so happy you are into some craft again. Now I extra-feel that you have 'got this' with the leadup to your break. Crafting has such a good balancing effect on you, it seems. Plus you produce wondrous things of beauty. Smiley Very Happy

So glad to see @Silenus and @Exoplanet around here again too. Heart

Sending good vibes to all as this day turns to evening. Smiley Happy