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Re: A long rave

@Mazarita If I lived closer to the beach I would go for beach walks. I love the smell and sound of the sea and the feel of sand on my feet. You are so lucky living so close to the beach everyone feels in a good mood whilst they are walking at a beach. There is something wild and carefree about it ... 


I remember a young woman who I was talking with years ago now (I was manic at the time) said to me to say hi to everyone and if they didn't reply or were rude then to ignore it and not let it bother me. She was right and I try to do it but sometimes it is hard when when they are just wanting to make life miserable then I choose to ignore them.... which I do quite well Smiley Wink

Re: A long rave

@Shaz51, are you the same with cooking, as your mum and grandmum? I'm guessing you would have had good cooking learning when you were young at home. Home made sausage rolls sound especially yummy to me. I'm especially a pie lover. That's so great that your cooking is appreciated. Beef casserole sounds great. I like casserole but we almost never have it here. Did you have it with rice?

Re: A long rave

Beef casserole made 2 dinners for us , first night with mashed potato and the second night with rice and took some to mum @Mazarita

Re: A long rave

@greenpea, sounds very lovely where you are near a bay, especially the way you describe it at first light. I am shy in some circumstances, including with strangers, so I wouldn't be saying hi to everyone I meet. But it's nice when it happens from time to time. I do try to lift my mood a bit when I'm out, or at least appear to be in a better mood, but it doesn't lift me up to being highly social (it was a different story when I was manic, then I had 100 friends, lol). Sometimes when I'm out for a walk, especially a beach walk, it's a moment of solitude with nature, so I'm not always social with people at those times. I probably appear standoffish to some people. 


Re: A long rave

By the way, @Shaz51@greenpea, the longish break between replying to your messages just now was because I made myself a lamb sandwich, which I've also eaten now. Oh yum. Smiley Very Happy

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita my mum used to make lamb roast which I really enjoyed. Now I am a veggie lol .... perhaps a soy lamb roast for me?:)

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita Yes I think I seem standoffish ... I don't mean to be like you sometimes I just get overwhelmed by the sensory input of people and things around me. It is at that point when I need to escape back into the safety of my lil home.

Re: A long rave

@greenpea, are you a vego for health or ethical reasons, or both? Perhaps something like this would suit you better: Smiley Happy


vegan creamy avocado pastavegan creamy avocado pasta

Re: A long rave

@greenpea, I really know what you mean by sensory overload and needing to retreat back home. So get that too. It's a struggle to get out of the flat because of that too, as well as my social anxieties. But I like to get out as well, because being in the outdoors and  seeing other people bring good feelings as well. One of the oddities of visiting my friend is that we are always sitting outside at a laminex table because we are smokers. Though deadly, smoking is a good reason to go outside. Smiley Tongue

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita It is ethical reasons. When My son1 came over the other night both him and his dad had a salmi pizza and it looked so yummy....I didn't sway though. Plus I have son2 watching he would be horrified if I ate a salmi pizza! 🙂