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Re: A long rave

Yukky tummys arent great @Mazarita hopeing it gets out of your system as the day goes on. Mines caused by meds. I either had to be sick or in pain. None of which are ideal 😣 but all well will live.

Any other plans for today or mostly a chill day for you too?

Re: A long rave

Thanks @Mazarita@outlander.

yesterday I couldn’t manage much on the forum. My therapy appointment was full on. I ended up being brave and told her therapy wasn’t working. It took ages until she finally got what I’ve been trying to tell her for months. I’m hoping that this is a turning point. I also cried almost the entire session. She ended up telling me that those big emotions are grief.  I think she was right. I just hadn’t connected it all. There is something I think I’m grieving. It’s been a big loss for me but I’m trying to be brave and get through it without doing anything stupid. Feeling really solemn just now but hoping that this will pass and that I get to work on something important in therapy. 

That’s my rave :face_with_rolling_eyes:


Re: A long rave

@Teej Hi Teej have a lovely day. Stay warm! xxxx:)

Re: A long rave

@outlander, just had a call from my friend, meetup is on. Means taking two buses to get there and another bus ride to get back, about 90 minutes travelling on buses all up. But worth it for the visit. Gives me a reason to get cleaned up and dressed and will almost certainly feel better afterwards. No other plans aside from that. What do you think you might do with your day aside from chill?

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita well if I dont start running it will be rolling lol!! Smiley Wink 

Re: A long rave

Well done on being brave @Teej its so hard to speak up. I hope the friendship continues though and you can find another therapist more suited to you ❤

Re: A long rave

Morning @greenpea

@Mazarita that sounds like a good plan. No, no other plans here. I may do some grocery shopping but will see how i go

Re: A long rave

Even just recognising the grief in your session yesterday, @Teej, sounds like a move forward. Hugs for your solemn feelings just now. Really good going on spilling about your dissatisfaction with progress in therapy. Sounds like you've taken things well in hand for yourself and will be moving forward from here on. That's my hope for you anyway. Heart


@greenpea, lol. Are you still drinking lots of yucky pucky water? I drink a fair bit throughout my days, but usually it's got cordial in it, which may defeat the purpose. Smiley Tongue

Re: A long rave

@Teej Thanks Teej :D:D xxxx


@outlander Morning outlander wishing you a fabulous day ahead xxxx

Re: A long rave

@outlander I can’t find another therapist. I have no way to pay for it. I’m hoping she’ll be better able to help me through this. She told me how we can address it so I’m hoping it will just get therapy back on track. There is still value in her being my therapist too. Yesterday she was able to help me remember something from early therapy which was helpful. I’m just hoping that we find a place to work better. She also told me that she had to stop much therapy because I would get too distressed whilst I’ve not been stable. It was good to hear that from her.