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Re: A long rave

I think your right there @Mazarita plus my neck injury flared up which what the meds are for. Was causing headaches  earaches neck pain and neck swelling too. 

Pain is so draining even when resting isnt it. 

Ive actually been sleeping abit more and sometimes short naps through the day. Its very unusual for me to do that and im not sure if i should be concerned or thankful. 

Im trying to be patient there really isnt much i can do except follow physio instructions. I want to use my hand and i try to but its very weak and dont want to rush it. 


I know youve got aches and pains too-mind if i ask how you cope with them?  Do you still have yours alot 

Re: A long rave

Yeah, I do live in some pain, more or less of it, every day, @outlander. The pain that has really been bothering me is my legs and feet. That's because I really like walking, it's my exercise of choice. Plus, and more importantly, my legs are my independence (that and public transport). I've walked on the beach hundreds of times since I've been living here, about four years. It's soul food to me to do that, so the pain in my legs has been really distressing mentally and emotionally too. 


How I deal with it is by being as patient as possible, like you. I'm not naturally a patient person really but time and good psych meds have helped. It's harder, I find, getting older, with the aches and pains that come with it. On the other hand I have found rewards in getting older too. Learning from experience in the journey of life. I also try to be as philosophical as possible about things. Life deals us all different hands and it's what we do with it that matters. That kind of thing. Not that I've achieved great things in my life. But I'm okay with it, given my limitations physically and mentally with chronic illnesses. I also try to look after myself medically, as do you.

Re: A long rave

That would be hard for you too @Mazarita emotionally and physically taxing trying to do what you want and whats good for you bs pain. It sucks sometimes. 


Patience is a virtue so they say...

Its really good that you can see the good things too though like what youve learnt from experiences etc. You do seem wise.  I  dont  think we really  ever stop  learning. Being able to accept things as you have is really good! Ill need to learn to do that too.

 very well done that youve been able to achieve that. Must  feel like abit of relief too.... ❤❤ 




Re: A long rave

@outlander, well, there are those attitudes that are helpful in me, but there's also other feelings that come out about it all. When I'm in a good mood, like tonight, I can be very philosophical, lol. Not always as easy though. Life continues to challenge. But as you say we never stop learning. 

Re: A long rave

Theres no way i would expect you to have good days all the time @Mazarita but its good to hear what works for you and how you cope with it all. 

Your learnings help me too. 

Re: A long rave

That's very kind of you to say, @outlanderHeart 

I kind of also express the darker feelings about my life through creativity. Not to say what I do is always dark. I have made comic things too. But I find that creativity lets me express a wider range of emotions and thoughts than I can express in ordinary life. If that makes sense. 

Re: A long rave

No that makes sense @Mazarita is that why/when you write? 

Ive writte  a few poems that said what i needed to say  but what i couldnt express  normally. 

I also draw (even if its just scribble) a healthier way to cope. 

Re: A long rave

That should say "its a healthier way to cope'

Re: A long rave

Yes, that's why I write, @outlander. Have done so much writing in my life. I used to keep a daily journal where, close to first thing in the day, I wrote three pages without going back and editing. Just what came out of my head and onto the page. Did it for many many years. These days I write here instead. I especially appreciate @Silenus's writing thread for getting me going writing poetry again. Hadn't done that for a very long time before I started doing some there. 

Re: A long rave

Hi @Sans911, I know youa re online helping in another thread. No need to reply. Just want to say hi because I just got your like then. Smiley Happy